Evainny is here to inspire and teach you how to put together good outfits, without spending much. I'm a  Maryland-based Fashion Stylist and Personal Shopper who helps men and women in keeping their professional and personal image current, chic and sophisticated. From organizing closets, updating wardrobes, and personal shopping I put together and teach you how to look and feel your best with little time or efford.
I truly believe that any individual regardless of their size, shape or age can have a personal style that makes them feel confident and look fabulous!
I am also always available to style fashion editorials, celebrities, advertisements, catalogs, book looks...

As a Fashion Stylist and Personal Shopper, I am committed and dedicated to giving you the attention and customer service you need to achieve your unique and individual  style and image goals.



1 comment:

  1. Hi, I've just found your blog and I truly liked it! So here you have a new follower!
    And btw, what are the odds?, you live in Maryland wich is where my dad's from! But I'm spanish too!
    Visit my blog and follow if you like it!
    Summer in Savannah
